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Comprehensive Guide to the Onboarding Tracker in PaymentWorks

The Onboarding Tracker in PaymentWorks is a powerful tool designed to help payers monitor and manage the vendor onboarding process efficiently. This guide provides an overview of its features, including the List View and Details View. It offers insights into tracking vendor registration approvals chronologically with timestamps and additional details about the vendor journey.

Accessing the Onboarding Tracker

To access the Onboarding Tracker:

  • Log in to your PaymentWorks account.
  • Navigate to the Onboarding tab in the main menu.

This section provides a centralized location to view and manage all vendor onboarding activities.

Understanding the List View

The List View offers a comprehensive overview of all vendor onboarding records. Key features include:

  • Search and Filters: Utilize the search bar and filters to locate specific vendors or onboarding records based on criteria such as status, date, or vendor name.
  • Sortable Columns: Click on column headers to sort records by attributes like vendor name, status, or submission date.
  • Bulk Actions: Select multiple records to perform bulk actions, such as sending reminders or exporting data.

This view is ideal for quickly assessing the overall status of vendor onboarding processes.

Exploring the Details View

For an in-depth look at a specific vendor's onboarding progress:

  • In the List View, click on the vendor's name or the corresponding record.
  • This action opens the Details View, displaying comprehensive information, including:
    • Vendor Information: Contact details, business classification, and other pertinent data.
    • Onboarding Progress: A step-by-step breakdown of completed and pending tasks, with date and time stamps and a log of the username and email of the person who actioned this onboarding.
    • Communication Log: Records of all communications between your organization and the vendor from invitation approval, invitation rejection, or a registration return.
    • Documents: Access to submitted documents, such as W-9 forms or contracts.

The Details View is essential for monitoring individual vendor progress and addressing specific issues.

Tracking Vendor Registration Approvals

To monitor the approval status of vendor registrations:

  • Status Indicators: In both the List and Details Views, observe status indicators that reflect the current stage of the onboarding process (e.g., Submitted, In Review, Approved, Returned).
  • Notifications: Set up email notifications to receive updates when a vendor's registration status changes.
  • Approval Workflow: Understand your organization's approval workflow to identify where a registration might be pending.

Regularly reviewing these elements ensures timely progression through the onboarding stages.

Timestamps in the Onboarding Tracker

The Onboarding Tracker includes timestamps to help users monitor and sort onboardings effectively.

  • Sorting Options: Users can sort onboardings by Date Created or Date Modified in ascending or descending order. By default, onboardings are sorted with the most recently modified at the top.
  • Timestamp Format: Timestamps are displayed in local time using the format: MM/DD/YEAR TIME AM/PM.
  • Time in Current Status: For certain statuses, the tracker displays how long the onboarding has been in the current status. This feature helps identify stalled onboardings for quicker resolution.

Supported Statuses with Time Tracking:

    • Invitation Pending Approval
    • Invitation Link Clicked
    • Registration Submitted (all versions)
    • Registration Returned - Pending Resubmission
    • Registration Resubmitted (all versions)

Statuses by Step and Tracker Circle

The Onboarding Tracker in PaymentWorks outlines six steps in the payee onboarding process. Each step is shown as a circle with various statuses, explained here.

  • 1. Invitation Initiation (First Circle)
    • Invitation Initiated: Invitation sent by the initiator.
    • Invitation Rejected: Invitation rejected by the initiator’s organization.
    • Invitation Cancelled: Invitation cancelled by the initiator or another payer user.

  • 2. Invitation Approval (Second Circle)
    • Invitation Pending Approval: Invitation awaiting approval from another payer user.
    • Invitation Approved & Sent: Invitation approved by the organization or did not require approval and was sent to the payee.

  • 3. Invitation Receipt (Third Circle)
    • Invitation Email Opened: Payee opened the email invitation.
    • Invitation Link Clicked: Payee clicked on the link in the email to begin registration.
    • Email Verified - Invitation Received: Payee created a PaymentWorks account and verified their email.

  • 4. Registration Submission (Fourth Circle)
    • Registration in Progress (no NVR yet): Payee began completing the New Vendor Registration (NVR).
    • Registration Returned - Pending Resubmission: NVR returned to payee for edits and needs resubmission.
    • Registration Submitted: NVR completed and submitted for review.

  • 5. Registration Approval (Fifth Circle)
    • Registration Submitted - Pending PaymentWorks Review: PaymentWorks is reviewing the payee’s banking information.
    • Registration Submitted - Pending Payee Response: PaymentWorks contacted the payee for further action.
    • Registration Submitted - Pending Internal Review: Registration is awaiting internal review from the organization.
    • Registration Resubmitted - Pending PaymentWorks Review: Resubmitted NVR under review by PaymentWorks.
    • Registration Resubmitted - Pending Payee Response: Resubmitted NVR requires a response from the payee.
    • Registration Resubmitted - Pending Internal Review: Resubmitted NVR awaiting internal review.
    • Registration Rejected: Registration was reviewed and rejected.
    • Registration Approved: Registration reviewed and approved.

  • 6. Onboarding Completion (Sixth Circle)
    • Registration Processed: NVR information exported to the organization’s ERP.
    • Onboarding Complete: Payee set up for payment; vendor registration integrated into the ERP and connected to PaymentWorks. Payee can view invoice data in PaymentWorks.

  • Additional Notes
    • The tracker provides a clear view of the onboarding process and highlights any steps that require action.
    • Statuses can help identify delays or issues, enabling faster resolutions.

Onboarding Tracker - Colors and Icons Summary

The Onboarding Tracker uses colors and icons to provide users with a quick visual understanding of the status of each onboarding record. Icons also appear on invitation action buttons for additional clarity. While these visual indicators are designed to enhance usability, the same information is also displayed as text to ensure accessibility for all users.

This visual system ensures that users can rapidly assess onboarding statuses while maintaining full accessibility compliance.

Onboardings by Color


= This onboarding will not progress since it was rejected or canceled


 = This onboarding will not progress until the payee makes changes to and resubmits their NVR. The changes required are specified in the return message that the payee received


= This onboarding is in progress


= This onboarding is complete, and the payee is set up for payment

Onboardings by Icon

= Rejected or cancelled


= Pending


= Invitation approved & sent


= Invitation email opened


= Invitation link clicked


= Email verified - Invitation received


= Pending review


= Pending response


= Registration returned - Pending resubmission


= Registration Approved


= Registration Processed


= Complete/Success


= Approve/Send invitation


= Reject/Do not send invitation


= Cancel invitation


= Disable Reminders

Best Practices for Using the Onboarding Tracker

  • Regular Monitoring: Frequently check the Onboarding Tracker to stay updated on vendor statuses.
  • Utilize Filters: Apply filters to focus on specific groups, such as vendors pending approval or those who have completed registration.
  • Maintain Communication: Use the Communication Log to keep records of interactions and follow up with vendors as needed.
  • Document Management: Ensure all necessary documents are uploaded and verified within the platform.
  • By adhering to these practices, you can streamline the vendor onboarding process and maintain effective oversight.