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  3. Supplier & Invoice File Uploads

Upload Error List for Supplier and Invoice Files

This document serves as a record of errors that occur when a payer is uploading an invoice or supplier file. The purpose of this list is to provide a clear and detailed reference for these errors, including explanations of what each error signifies and, if applicable, suggested actions to resolve the issue. 

The errors will be divided into 4 sections to represent which part of the processing flow they can happen.

  • Upload errors
  • File validation errors
  • Row validation errors
  • Processing errors

Invoice File Error List

Upload Errors

  • Error: Missing required 'invoices' form field in request
    • Reason: The request does not have the file content.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the file content is included in the request.
  • Error: File must be a CSV, XML, or XLS/XLSX file
    • Reason: The uploaded file does not have a valid extension.
    • Solution/Action: Upload a file with a valid extension (CSV, XML, or XLS/XLSX).
  • Error: Unsupported Content-Type: {CONTENT_TYPE}
    • Reason: The request lacks the Content-Type header or has an unsupported value.
    • Solution/Action: Use "multipart/form-data" or "text/csv" as the Content-Type header.
  • Error: Upload Failure
    • Reason: Unexpected issues during file upload.
    • Solution/Action: Download error report. If the issue is still unclear contact customer support to investigate the issue. 

File Validation Errors

  • Error: Unicode Characters in file possibly not UTF-8/18 encoded?
    • Reason: The file contains Unicode characters but is not encoded in UTF-8.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the file is encoded in UTF-8 to support Unicode characters.
  • Error: Invoice file with bad characters. The file contains non-ASCII characters and cannot be read.
    • Reason: The file has non-ASCII characters, making it unreadable.
    • Solution/Action: Remove non-ASCII characters and ensure the file is in a readable format before uploading.
  • Error: Cannot read file! Please check the file format and try again.
    • Reason: The file is not in a valid format or does not contain valid data.
    • Solution/Action:Verify that the file is in a valid format and contains the required data before attempting to upload.
  • Error: No invoice rows were found in the file
    • Reason: The file does not contain any invoice rows.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the file includes valid invoice rows before attempting to upload.

Row Validation Errors

  • Error: Blank row
    • Reason: The row does not contain any data.
    • Solution/Action: Remove or fill in data for the blank row.
  • Error: Missing required column: {FIELD}
    • Reason: The row does not contain a required column.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the row includes all required columns. (eg: vendor_num, date, and status_code.)
  • Error: Missing required field: {FIELD}
    • Reason: The row does not contain a required field.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the row includes all required fields. (eg: vendor_num and date.)
  • Error: Invalid '{FIELD}' value: Non-ASCII characters found.
    • Reason: There is a field with non-ASCII characters in the row.
    • Solution/Action: Remove non-ASCII characters from the specified field.
  • Error: Invalid '{FIELD}' value: {VALUE}
    • Reason: The row has an invalid value for the field.
    • Solution/Action: Verify and correct the value for the specified field. Usually occurs when a value cannot be cast to a string.
  • Error: Invalid 'Invoice Amt' value: failed to parse '{VALUE}'
    • Reason: The row has the amt field that cannot be parsed to a float or contains invalid numeric characters.
    • Solution/Action: Correct the value for the 'Invoice Amt' field to ensure it can be parsed as a float.
  • Error: Invalid 'Actual Paid Amt' value: failed to parse '{VALUE}'
    • Reason: The row has the actual_paid_amt field that cannot be parsed to a float or contains invalid numeric characters.
    • Solution/Action: Correct the value for the 'Actual Paid Amt' field to ensure it can be parsed as a float.
  • Error: Invalid '{FIELD}' field data: {VALUE}. Dates should be of the format "mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd"
    • Reason: The date field cannot be parsed to a date or contains invalid date characters.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the date field follows the specified format: "mm-dd-yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", or "yyyy-mm-dd".
  • Error: Invalid 'Comments' value: Field must be less than 255 characters.
    • Reason: The comments field contains more than 255 characters.
    • Solution/Action: Shorten the comments field to 255 characters or less.
  • Error: Missing one required field: ref_key, invoice_num, or purchase_order
    • Reason: The row does not contain one of these three fields.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the row includes one of these required fields.
  • Error: Either invoice amount or invoice actual paid amount must be given
    • Reason: The row does not contain one of these two fields (amt or actual_paid_amt).
    • Solution/Action: Include either the 'amt' or 'actual_paid_amt' field in the row.

Processing Errors

  • Error: Ambiguous record selection criteria. You have entered a combination of InvoiceNum, PurchaseOrder, RefKey and DocNum which reference multiple existing records, making it hard to determine which specific record should be updated.
    • Reason: The row contains a combination of invoice_num, purchase_order, ref_key, and doc_num that reference multiple existing records, making it impossible to update a specific record.
    • Solution/Action: Refine the criteria (invoice_num, purchase_order, ref_key, doc_num) to uniquely identify a specific record.
  • Error: PAID invoices require an actual paid amount
    • Reason: The row indicates a PAID status but lacks an actual paid amount.
    • Solution/Action: Include the actual_paid_amt field for PAID invoices.
  • Error: PAID invoices require an actual pay date
    • Reason: The row indicates a PAID status but lacks an actual pay date.
    • Solution/Action: Include the actual_pay_date field for PAID invoices.
  • Error: PAID invoices require a check number
    • Reason: The row indicates a PAID status but lacks a check number.
    • Solution/Action: Include the doc_num field for PAID invoices.

Supplier File Error List

Upload Errors:

  • Error: File requires <column_name> column
    • Reason: The file is missing a required column.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the file includes all the required columns.

File Validation Errors:

  • Error: RequestId must be parsable as a decimal integer
    • Reason: The Request ID is not parsable as a decimal integer.
    • Solution/Action: Ensure the Request ID is a valid decimal integer.

Row Validation Errors:

  • Error: Can’t change vendor number when there is no matching supplier for vendor number: <vendor_number>, site code <site_code>
    • Reason: The file has a row attempting to change the vendor number for a new supplier and sends a NewVendorNum value in the same row.
    • Solution/Action: Remove the NewVendorNum value because the system cannot change the vendor num for a supplier that doesn't exist yet.
  • Error: Can’t change site code when there is no matching supplier for vendor number: <vendor_number>, site code <site_code>
    • Reason: The file has a row attempting to change the site code for a new supplier and sends a NewSiteCode value in the same row.
    • Solution/Action: Remove the NewSiteCode value because the system cannot change the site code for a supplier that doesn't exist yet.
  • Error: Can’t modify supplier with vendor number <vendor_number> and site code <site_code>. A supplier with vendor number <vendor_number> and site code <site_code> already exists
    • Reason: The file has a row attempting to modify a supplier that already exists.
    • Solution/Action: Change the NewSiteCode / NewVendorNum to a non-existing value.

Processing Errors

  • N/A


To download these Error messages, visit Upload Error List - Invoice & Supplier Files.